The Deputy Prime Minister’s mystery man


And trust me on this one: for every vote that Tengku Razaleigh can garner Zahid would be able to get ten votes to match that. So who do you think Umno would choose as the new Prime Minister if Dr Mahathir ousts Najib? Even Tengku Razaleigh will admit it will not be him. So why would Tengku Razaleigh help Dr Mahathir oust Najib just so that another person can take over, like what happened in 2009?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

On 16th August 2015, Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi revealed that a certain senior-veteran Umno leader was going to meet Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak later that day. This man was supposed to be an ‘old man’ (I would rather use ‘elderly man’ than ‘old man’) and is supposed to be the leader of the conspiracy to oust Najib. This old man is not Muhyiddin Yassin, added Zahid, one of the six Tan Sris whom Malaysia Today talked about earlier that same month.

The media people all rushed to the Prime Minister’s residence full of suspense and anticipation. Unfortunately they all had to go home disappointed because no old, senior or veteran Umno leader turned up at the gates of the Prime Minister’s residence. In fact, not even a young Umno leader turned up — totally nothing, zero, zilch, nyet, nein, or whatever language you would like it to be in.

And that was the end of that very brief excitement, which was soon enough forgotten as other and newer events overtook that story of the midnight visit to the Prime Minister by a certain mysterious old Umno leader. Unknown to all, however, that visit did take place; only that it did not take place on 16th August as everyone had hoped and expected.

Of course, what was even more intriguing than who this person may have been is what was the purpose of his late night visit? Was it to confess his sins and beg forgiveness? Was it to sell out the conspirators behind the anti-Najib movement? Or was it to deliver an ultimatum to Najib that if he stubbornly refuses to resign then they are going to cut off his balls and nail them to the wall?

Now that it is already more than two months since the excitement of that midnight caller, I thought I should resurrect the issue and tell you who that person is. And if you behave yourself I might even tell you why he went to meet Najib.

Anyway, before I come to that, yesterday someone contacted me and asked why I keep mentioning the ‘six Tan Sris’. Should it not be seven Tan Sris and not six, this person told me. I then asked this person why seven? Who is the seventh Tan Sri that he is talking about?

This person then mentioned Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah. Is not Tengku Razaleigh also in the anti-Najib group and should it, therefore, not be seven instead of six Tan Sris? Hmm…it is nice to have friends who can think and not like most other Malaysians that are like sheep who can be led by the nose.

So I was forced to explain why it is six and not seven Tan Sris even though Tengku Razaleigh may also be a Tan Sri. And that is because Tengku Razaleigh is not one of those who wish to oust Najib.

Muhyiddin Yassin told the Umno supreme council that he knows who are those in the anti-Najib movement and that they had approached him to join the movement but he is not with them. However, while he knows who they are, he is not going to reveal their names.

Well, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah also told the Prime Minister that he knows who are those in the anti-Najib movement and that they had approached him to join the movement but he is not with them. However, unlike Muhyiddin, to prove he is not with them, Tengku Razaleigh revealed their names and also what they planned to do in the final attack in November which Malaysia Today wrote about yesterday in the article The last major offensive against Najib in another month.

And how does Malaysia Today know all this? Hell, if Malaysia Today knows who in the Attorney General’s Chambers and who in the MACC are bonking their staff in the office and have turned the boardroom into a bedroom you mean Malaysia Today will not know about something like this? All it takes is a fly on the wall and Malaysia Today has a crate full of flies.

I mean Malaysia Today even knows about the Tan Sri who flew to London to meet their UK operatives to discuss the last major offensive against Najib in November. Malaysia Today even knows that just before he left for London he met yet another Tan Sri to warn him that if he does not join the gang and in the event the Prime Minister is successfully toppled then he is going to be in the next cell to Anwar Ibrahim in the Sungai Buloh Prison.

Yes, in the meantime let us just call this carrier pigeon Tan Sri the Pigeon Tan Sri because that is his job — to deliver classified information and documents from the other two Tan Sris and which are going to be used as ammunition to shoot Najib in the final major offensive against him in November.

So there you have it. I was told that the anti-Najib movement is now in panic mode after reading the latest revelation by Malaysia Today. They are now wondering whether they should call Malaysia Today a liar and abort the plan or whether they should proceed with the plan and prove Malaysia Today right.

Decisions, decisions, decisions…and not an easy decision to make. If they abort the plan then that is it — finished, game over. Either they launch that final major offensive next month or else there is nothing more they can do after that.

And when they read this latest revelation they may just call it off altogether. Clearly the anti-Najib movement has broken apart and those they thought were allies are not really allies after all. But was Tengku Razaleigh a mole whose job was to find out what they are up to and then spill the beans so that Najib can pre-empt all their moves? Or was he with them in the beginning and then did a U-turn when he realised that the plan was futile?

Well, that is something for you to wonder and for me to know. But let me put it this way. Tengku Razaleigh is not even a party vice president so do you think he is too stupid to realise that this would mean his chances of becoming Prime Minister is zero? He may be a Kelantanese but that does not mean he is stupid. He knows that they are using him to try to oust Najib just like they used him in 2008 when they wanted to oust Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi with promises that once Abdullah resigns then he would take over as Prime Minister.

It did not happen in 2009 did it? So why should it happen now? And do you think Umno will just do nothing if Najib is ousted and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pushes Tengku Razaleigh as his successor when Umno already has a Deputy Prime Minister who is a party vice president by the name of Zahid Hamidi?

And trust me on this one: for every vote that Tengku Razaleigh can garner Zahid would be able to get ten votes to match that. So who do you think Umno would choose as the new Prime Minister if Dr Mahathir ousts Najib? Even Tengku Razaleigh will admit it will not be him. So why would Tengku Razaleigh help Dr Mahathir oust Najib just so that another person can take over, like what happened in 2009?

