Failure to implement RoS’ suggestions sees DAP’s CEC re-election still being investigated


(The Rakyat Post) – The Registrar of Societies (RoS) is still investigating DAP’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) re-election.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said investigations were still being carried out following the party’s failure to implement recommendations proposed by the RoS.

“RoS is still investigating DAP following the re-election held on Sept 29, as the management of the party has yet to take any of the actions advised by the RoS,” said Zahid in a written reply to Anthony Loke (DAP – Seremban).

Loke had queried about the status of investigations into the party, including the application status of additional branches for DAP.

Although the election had been conducted, the RoS to this day had yet to recognise the status of the party’s CEC.

DAP had been instructed to carry out the re-election of the CEC due to the existence of alleged irregularities in the voting as well as vote manipulation during polls held earlier on December 15.

The re-election of CEC on Sept 29, 2013 had not been recognised and there was opposition from former party members who had claimed to have received votes from delegates who were no longer DAP members.

