Is Kit Siang Suffering From Mahathirtia?


Rasyhid Hamzan

First we saw how Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad continuously lives in denial and runs his mouth blabbering absolute nonsense. Now we have Lim Kit Siang who is keeping up to Mahathir’s mindlessness.

Uncle Lim’s Nostradamus views are not only baffling but it also makes you wonder what has he been smoking. Lim claims that Prime Minister Najib may not last his full term, as there are supposedly intensified challenges within UMNO itself. Funny enough Lim came to this deduction following Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz’s statement that he would ensure Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi is Najib’s successor. Does that sound like a power struggle to you?

Kit Siang either does not read the news or is simply suffering from Mahathirtia, a disease characterised by conveniently forgetting the distant and recent past consciously or subconsciously. I personally think it is the latter.

Nazri has been consistently on attack mode towards Mahathir. Recently, he even challenged Mahathir to stand against him in Padang Renggas if Mahathir was afraid to take on Najib in Pekan. Since Lim appears intelligently challenged, I would like to inform him that Nazri’s statement about Najib’s successor being Zahid Hamidi is another one of his messages to Mahathir. Mahathir has been bent on sacked Muhyiddin Yassin to become the next PM. Nazri literally told Mahathir to dream on as he would never allow that to happen. It is not even an iota close to saying there is internal struggle to oust Najib. I really wonder what is up with Lim for him to pass such a half-witted conclusion on Najib not lasting his term.

Najib is not as weak as Pakatan’s Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. He commands not just UMNO but the entire Barisan Nasional. He is a leader. For months Pakatan have been speaking about the vote of no confidence against Najib but, when the time arrived, underdog Kit Siang suffered the vote of no-confidence contest instead. The Opposition will even fail in their attempts of rejecting BN’s Budget 2016.

In May this year, Kit Siang said that GE14 may present as a “once in a lifetime opportunity” for Pakatan to upstage BN provided Pakatan Rakyat survive and grow from strength to strength. Forget about gaining strength, Pakatan Rakyat is dead and gone. Pakatan Harapan is heading the same direction as well. Instead of burning remaining little brain cells on Najib, Lim should figure out how to keep the Opposition together first.

Kit Siang cries foul on alleged money politics by BN. In truth the Opposition are the ones that play money politics. In 2008, RM100 million was allegedly offered to Datuk Seri Anifah Aman by a close associate of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to buy over 10 MP’s from BN Sabah to join Pakatan Rakyat in an attempt to overthrow the government. Anifah being a man of principles did not accept the offer and revealed Anwar’s dirty tricks during a news conference in Washington with former United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Anwar denied the allegations and filed a defamation suit against Anifah. After a long litigation battle, the High Court has thrown Anwar’s defamation suit out just as how the Parliament threw Kit Siang out.

The Opposition’s deceits are all unfolding one by one. Former Perak MB Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin issued a written and public apology to Najib for previously passing derogatory remarks in 2012. Previously, Nurul Izzah Anwar also publicly apologised to Datuk Seri Raja Nong Chik for making false allegations against him prior to GE13. You may lie to some people sometimes but you cannot lie to everyone all the time. The truth always prevails and Pakatan is starting to feel the heat of the truth.

The government should really consider making it a rule for politicians above a certain age group to undergo the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) by a qualified psychiatrist. Kit Siang and Mahathir definitely require an assessment and, I am sure, will warrant treatment.

