Chinese votes are for strengthening DAP in Selangor; dream on PAN or PKR

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Upon the announcement by DAP Selangor chief Tony Pua that DAP will run in eight named mixed state seats with strong Chinese presence in Selangor, PAN’s hopes of being the beneficiary of DAP’s charity is dashed. PKR too will take note that these seats are already claimed by DAP. That leaves the balance of PAS’ existing seats to be divided between PAN and PKR, and the rude awakening that beggars cannot be choosers.

Even if DAP were to win only half of these eight seats, in addition to the present Chinese-majority seats, DAP can be the largest single bloc in the Selangor DUN and it can stake a claim to the Menteri Besar’s post and the leadership of Pakatan Harapan in the state. Of course, DAP can graciously give way to PKR – at a cost, of course. It’s nice to be the dictating boss among the seemingly equals.

PKR does not seem to mind this. After all, it is used to wearing the stripes while others order it around. Wearing the stripes is a fundamental Malay need irrespective if it is others who call the shots. PAS had a brief taste of it in Perak to the embarrassment of the party but it was to the glee of the man who enjoyed the trappings of being MB. So PKR Selangor is half-expecting this DAP move and may even be complicit.

For Tony Pua to declare that DAP is hoping to win by exploiting the split votes is quite laughable. That means the split between UMNO and PAS will almost be 50-50 and DAP gets 95% plus of Chinese votes. What an insult to BN Chinese parties. If that is true they might as well close shop. Why not field PAN? In comparison they will also get some Malay votes plus DAP’s commandeered Chinese votes. Oh, it’s not about PH, it’s everyone for himself!

The biggest loser seems to be PAN, the apparent inheritor of previous PAS’ Chinese votes courtesy of DAP. Or maybe this is just a DAP ploy to reserve part of the said seats for their lapdogs, PAN, and a warning to PKR not to be too ambitious. Through Chinese votes DAP is playing kingmaker. The stage is set for happy ass-kissing for the needy Malay majority parties in their own backyards. Unite against the stupidity of UMNO, my foot!

It is more like disuniting themselves to present to DAP the state’s political leadership on a silver platter. The lesson to be learnt is that if the Malays are serious about ousting UMNO, they have to be a better alternative and not take a free ride on other’s perceived charity. If UMNO is so bad it should be easy to be better! Stop blaming the so-called stupid voters.

Has it occurred to the Malay opposition that if the Malay voters are actually smart it is the present Malay opposition that may not even stand a chance in hell to succeed? The Malay or Malay-led opposition parties should look into the mirror and see the way they have been behaving. Pathetic and open to be manipulated. And PAS will revert to be a movement of religious zealots with a confused political agenda.

And what about Selangor BN? Are they up to the challenge? Apart from the comatose MCA and Gerakan and the two-headed MIC, BN’s only hope to carry the flag is UMNO. But if the Ketua Bahagians can make as much or more money out of internal UMNO political strife, why bother to stress themselves trying to win a general election. After all, isn’t their reason for joining politics is to be rich?

