Opposition forever changing its stand, says Salleh

Salleh Keruak

(Bernama) – The opposition is not consistent and is forever changing its stand, including on the Goods and Services Tax (GST), says Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak.

He said the opposition had earlier objected strongly to the new taxation system, but was now endorsing its implementation and urging for the GST to be reduced.

“This means they have a change of mind,” he said when opening a Langkah Bersama Sehati Sejiwa programme organised by the Sabah Information Department here, Saturday.

Salleh said GST had been practised in many countries and could bring  positive impact on the economy as well as ensure that the country would not  plunge into bankruptcy.

“Why then are the opposition no longer asking for the GST to be abolished,” he said.

In the Budget 2016, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sarcastically thanked the opposition for finally realising the need for GST in the country when it included the tax in its Alternative Budget.

