PAS: Why is DAP contesting in seats with 70% Malay voters?


(Bernama) – Selangor PAS has questioned DAP’s intention to contest in eight state seats now held by PAS in the coming 14th general election.

Selangor PAS has decided to defend the eight seats in the coming general election as DAP is seen to be working with its ally, Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah).

Selangor PAS commissioner Iskandar Abdul Samad said PAS had been informed that DAP wanted to wrest the seats from PAS.

“Before this, we have already heard they are entering PAS areas … we will continue to contest there and defend our seats,” he told reporters at the lobby of the State Legislative Assembly here.

Earlier, Selangor PAS secretary Mohd Khairuddin Othman said the state PAS would not surrender and give way to DAP in the coming general election.

“What is DAP’s rationale in contesting seats with 70% Malay voters?

“This proves the voice of DAP is the voice of Amanah as both are interested in contesting in seats won by PAS,” said the state assemblyman for Paya Jaras.

DAP publicity secretary Tony Pua was reported as saying the party might contest in eight PAS seats in the coming general election and had made preparations in that direction.

The seats in question are Taman Templer, Lembah Jaya, Sri Serdang, Meru, Cempaka, Dusun Tua, Tanjung Sepat and Paya Jaras.

However, Tony said a decision would only be made after discussions with Selangor Pakatan Harapan involving DAP, PKR and Amanah.

