Aziz Bari: DAP must be viable as PAS ‘dysfunctional’, PKR ‘problematic’


(Malay Mail Online) – Dr Abdul Aziz Bari urged the DAP today to step up its effort in courting Malay voters as the new party member criticised Malay-majority opposition parties PKR and PAS.

The constitutional law expert said the DAP does not need to “Malaynise” itself, but stressed it is inevitable for the predominantly Chinese party to convince Malay voters as the community is the majority in the country.

“I told friends that I joined DAP not to be a minion of the Chinese. I joined DAP because the Malays need more options,” Aziz said in a debate during Selangor DAP ordinary convention.

“It is proven that Umno is corrupt, dishonest and incompetent … Meanwhile, PAS is barely functioning, while PKR itself has their problems,” he added.

Aziz said the DAP must put itself forward so the Malays will trust the party to lead the country, by showing that it can cater to the welfare of the Malays in Selangor, Penang and even Johor, where Malay support for the party is on the rise.

Aziz joined the DAP in July this year, saying he hoped to be able to contribute to the Malaysian dream with his involvement in the party.

The academic previously contested on a PKR ticket during the 2013 general election at Sabak Bernam.
