DAP launches ‘Action Unit’ to provide security against ‘Umno thugs’


(Malay Mail Online) – DAP launched today a volunteer corps dubbed “Unit Tindak” — or “Action Unit” — which it said is tasked to provide security at party events against Umno’s and Barisan Nasional’s (BN) so-called “thuggish politics”.

The unit, clad in red shirts and caps, will also act as the opposition party’s disaster relief group, the DAP said, citing as examples where the unit could act in future like the previous major flood in Kelantan and the water crisis in several areas in Selangor last year.

“They will be wearing red shirts, since red is the colour of the party. But this red is a good one, not the evil Red Shirts,” DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said while launching the unit during Selangor DAP ordinary convention.

The term “Red Shirts” has been used to refer to participants and organisers of several pro-Malay rallies held last month, including the #Merah169 rally dubbed “Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu” [United People’s Rally] or “Himpunan Maruah Melayu” [Malay Dignity Rally].

The most well-known volunteer corps among opposition parties is PAS’ Unit Amal, or “Charity Unit”, which was also emulated by its splinter group Parti Amanah Negara with its Amal Relief Malaysia group, or Unit Arif.

PKR also has its own Skuad AMK under its Youth wing.

In a working paper on the unit distributed to the press, DAP said the unit will be protecting party leaders, guests and the public to prevent any skirmishes between party supporters and intruders.

The group will also be DAP’s “frontliners” in humanitarian relief efforts, the paper said.

So far, there are three units — two in Selangor and one in Federal Territories — comprising 84 party members in total.

The national administration of the unit will be headed by Balakong state assemblyman Eddie Ng Tien Chee.
