Malaysia must never turn into an Islamic state, says Liow


(The Star) – Malaysia must never be turned into a theocratic or an Islamic state, said MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

Liow said instead, the country should continue to embrace moderation in line with its multi-racial and multi-cultural identity.

“We are unique because of our diversity and this must be maintained.

“If we move towards the path of theocracy, we will go backwards, and the country will be doomed,” he said in his speech while attending a festive gathering at the community hall in Kampung Batu Satu, Jalan Tras here.

Liow, who is also Bentong MP, said racial issues must never be played up by any quarters.

He said it could lead to public unrest and ultimately destroy the country.

“The Opposition is good at playing up sensitive issues and dividing the people.

“Please don’t listen to them and unite to preserve our peace and harmony to enable the country to progress,” he said.

Liow thanked the voters for their support and pledge to do his best to create more economic opportunities and bring more developments to Bentong.

Later, he gave an initial allocation of RM50,000 to the Sri Maha Mariamman temple here.

He also gave out duit raya and food hampers to residents in conjunction with the coming Deepavali celebrations.

