Arul should just tell his critics to fook off


Who the hell does Tony Pua think he is? Is he acting as a member of the PAC or as DAP Selangor’s chief? Tony Pua imagines himself as a great and powerful man who can make demands and everyone has to bow to his demands. It is time that Arul Kanda put Tony Pua in his place and tell this arrogant son-of-a-bitch to go fook himself.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

1MDB President Arul Kanda Kandasamy should just tell his critics to fook off. He was employed to turn around the company and not to pander to every whim and fancy of those who do not understand the matter and keep demanding again and again answers to questions that have already been answered many times.

Of course, the greatest critic of 1MDB is Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who opened the floodgates and declared it open season on 1MDB. He makes comments and passes judgement and suggests this, that and the other, as if he is the greatest business guru of the century.

Dr Mahathir’s own brother-in-law, Tun Ismail Ali, had advised him that many of his so-called ‘economic models’ are not workable and are doomed to fail. Dr Mahathir, however, ignored Tun Ismail’s advise and went ahead with all his plans anyway — and all resulted in disaster.

Tun Ismail told Dr Mahathir that there are a few types of businesses that Malaysia should steer clear of and not touch with a ten-foot pole — shipbuilding, car manufacturing, steel manufacturing and railway. And these were exactly the businesses that Dr Mahathir chose to go into.

Did anyone challenge Dr Mahathir to any debate to explain the fiascos in those businesses he chose to embark upon? When these businesses proved failures in the end, just like Tun Ismail had predicted, he chose to privatise them to get rid of the disasters and pass the problem on to other people.

As Tajudin Ramli revealed in his Affidavit to the court, he was instructed to buy Malaysia’s national airlines, MAS, to give an appearance that the government made a profit on the sale or privatisation of that company. And the reason the government needed to give this appearance of a profit, declared Tajudin, was so that the government could use that so-called profit to cover the RM30 billion Forex losses.

Did Tajudin lie? This is what he said in his Affidavit to the court. If he lied then he should be charged and made to face a long jail sentence. But he was not, was he? And he was not arrested, charged and jailed because he was telling the truth. The government just wanted to create a paper profit to cover, not as Anwar Ibrahim told Parliament, a RM30 billion ‘paper loss’ on the Forex disaster, but to cover a realised loss of RM30 billion.

Finally, to avoid this truth being revealed in court, the government chose to settle the case out of court. And then they arrested the Director of the CCID, Ramli Yusoff, plus his lawyer, Rosli Dahlan, to punish them for revealing the government’s dark and hidden secret of why MAS became a disaster.

Then the public is misled into believing that the RM4 billion which SRC International borrowed from KWAP has been embezzled. The RM4 billion, however, is reflected in SRC’s balance sheet so how can that money have ‘disappeared into thin air’? Money that has disappeared would not be reflected in the balance sheet. Any first year accounting student can tell you that. ‘Disappeared into thin air’ would mean gone, no longer in the balance sheet.

DAP’s Tony Pua has challenged Arul Kanda to a debate. At first Arul Kanda said he would accept the challenge to a debate if Tony Pua resigns from the PAC. Tony Pua refused to do so because, according to him, if he were no longer in the PAC then the remaining members of the Commission would be easily duped.

In other words, what Tony Pua is saying, he is the only member of the PAC who is clever and cannot be duped while all the rest are stupid and can be duped. Hence it is critical that he remains in the PAC.

Arul Kanda then said he was prepared to have the debate with no conditions attached. Tony Pua need not resign from the PAC. Then Tony Pua turned around and said it is not going to be a debate after all but an interrogation. Tony Pua will ask all the questions while Arul Kanda will reply. Arul Kanda is not allowed to ask Tony Pua any questions.

Who the hell does Tony Pua think he is? Is he acting as a member of the PAC or as DAP Selangor’s chief? Tony Pua imagines himself as a great and powerful man who can make demands and everyone has to bow to his demands. It is time that Arul Kanda put Tony Pua in his place and tell this arrogant son-of-a-bitch to go fook himself.

Arul Kanda does not work for Tony Pua and neither does he need to report to him. Arul reports only to the Board of Directors and if the Board is not happy with him then they can remove him. Actually, Arul Kanda does not need his 1MDB job. Instead, 1MDB needs Arul Kandra. Arul Kanda can get another cushy job anywhere in the world, which is more than what we can say for Tony Pua.

Arul Kanda has already received the blessing of the Cabinet to implement 1MDB’s rationalisation and debt reduction plans, which is supposed to be completed by the end of the year. But they keep harassing Arul Kanda and put obstacles in his way to try to sabotage these efforts. They want to see 1MDB fail. They fear that if 1MDB succeeds then its critics would end up looking very stupid plus the effort to oust the Prime Minister will fail.

Enough is enough! It is time that Arul Kanda put his foot down and tell all his critics to fook off. If they want a debate then give them a debate. And if they chicken out from the debate then just drop the whole issue and move on. No need to layan all this nonsense any more.

Ex-Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin says he is not in the conspiracy to oust the Prime Minister and then he does exactly the opposite of what he says. Dr Mahathir says his interest is only to save Umno and then he, too, does exactly the opposite of what he says. And the irony of this whole thing is there are many Malaysians out there who will swallow all this shit — hook, line and sinker.

