Non-Malays can become MB, says Aziz Bari


(TMI) – Non-Malays can be appointed as menteri besar as it is allowed in the Federal Constitution that clearly states they have a right to the post as long as they fulfil the existing conditions, says Dr Abdul Aziz Bari.

The constitutional expert said according to the constitution, in certain conditions, leeway can be given to the sultan to appoint a non-Malay candidate for menteri besar.

“It is true, but we have to look at it from a certain context. In the general allocation, only Malays can be menteri besar,” he told The Malaysian Insider when met in Petaling Jaya yesterday.

“But the second thing in the constitution says that, to ensure the pre-requisites and the position of the menteri besar is fulfilled, the sultan can set aside the first allocation. That means, the sultan can appoint a non-Malay.”

Aziz, who was recently appointed to be a committee member in Selangor DAP, said that the appointment of a non-Malay as menteri besar can happen if there is no Malay majority who would express confidence in the candidate in the state legislative assembly.

“Or Malays are not in the assembly or it could be that the certain Malays are not appropriate for the position.

“There are many situations and it means that leeway is given to the sultan to appoint non-Malays,” he added.

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