Does the Selangor DAP election mean anything at all?

Gobind Singh Deo

Aziz now says the Malay-majority PKR is problematic and PAS is dysfunctional. Why don’t DAP just pack their bags out and quit Selangor if they have a problem with PAS and PKR? Is DAP hungry for power?

Jason Chin, Malay Mail Online

The recently concluded Selangor DAP state elections witnessed Gobind Singh Deo topping polls with the most amounts of votes. Tony Pua came in 8th, 241 votes behind Gobind. Yet, Tony was reappointed as chairman and Gobind as deputy chairman. How does that make any sense? Seven other people obtained higher votes than Tony but he still retained his post. Since Gobind won the ‘popular vote’ why isn’t he the new chairman? Is the ‘popular vote’ logic only applicable to the general elections when things do not go the DAP way? Tony’s flip-flopping to have a face-off with 1MDB’s Arul Kanda has not augured well. Tony only dares to ask questions and is gutless to be questioned. Is this what DAP preaches?

 Unfortunately all Malay candidates who stood in the elections lost. They did not even make it to the top 15. With all the talk of DAP being a multi-racial party, their own members did not walk the talk. So is the multi-racial drama just a figure of speech? You speak about bringing a change to the country when you have failed to even bring the change in your own organization. Change the man in the mirror first before dreaming about changing the world. Constitutional law expert and former International Islamic University lecturer Dr. Abdul Aziz Bari joined DAP from PKR a few months ago. Yes, party hopping among themselves.

Aziz lost under the PKR ticket in Sabak Bernam during the 2013 General Election. He was becoming obsolete in PKR and therefore jumped boat to DAP. On being unveiled as a DAP member, Aziz claimed he did not ask for any position but just intends to contribute to the party. He lost in the Selangor DAP elections but still got appointed in. Did Aziz receive the Trojan horse from DAP that no matter what happens he gets a seat in the Selangor state committee? Aziz now says the Malay-majority PKR is problematic and PAS is dysfunctional. Why don’t DAP just pack their bags out and quit Selangor if they have a problem with PAS and PKR? Is DAP hungry for power?

Yeo Bee Yin received only 384 votes and got voted out of the Selangor state committee. Yet she got reappointed back in. Looks like in DAP you can stand for an election, lose it and still remain relevant through the back door. Is this the democracy Lim Guan Eng has been harping about? Probably all you need to do in DAP is share a close camaraderie with Lim and election results do not matter.

Harapan Baru’s Shah Alam MP, Khalid Abdul Samad strongly condemned MCA and Gerakan’s reappointment into the cabinet and claimed BN practices rhetoric politics. He added that those reappointments are just an attempt to gain support from the non-Malays. So, what do you make of DAP’s appointment of Malays then, even after not making the cut democratically?  

DAP’s Skudai assemblyman Dr. Boo Cheng Hau was forced to announce his resignation as the Johor opposition leader recently after failing to secure a spot in Johor’s 15-man DAP state assembly. Dr. Boo was always known for his independent voice in the party and claims he was backstabbed by top DAP officials. Dr. Boo has been diligently serving in DAP since 1994 and was instrumental in building-up DAP in Johor but was replaced as the Johor DAP chairman by Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong in January last year. Liew is said to be closely associated with Lim Guan Eng and choruses Lim’s lyrics.

When the only thing that matters in DAP is aligning yourself to Guan Eng, I wonder why DAP even bothers staging elections? Just to meet the Registrar of Societies (ROS) regulations? The voters’ voice does not matter. Irrespective of the election outcome, those who are supposed to be in the state committee will still be there, either by legibly winning or gaining entry through the back door. Isn’t it funny how the Opposition only knows how to condemn the ruling government?

And DAP speaks loudly about integrity…..
