In Selangor, nobody seems to give a shit about UMNO, MCA, Greakan or MIC

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

DAP is busy pressuring PKR to kick out PAS from the state government, and strategising on how to chase PAS out of Selangor, and PAS is fuming about PAN for wanting to replace it as the Islamic flag-carrier in the state, and PKR is silently fighting within itself over the most infantile things and on how to publicly justify being a friend of PAS when actually it is not.

So whatever happened to Selangor UMNO, MCA, Gerakan and MIC? Probably in hibernation because nobody is guiding them on how to be the opposition. They probably think politics is only about ruling, hoping that somebody will wake them up when by some miracle Khir Toyo’s ambitious and foolishly baseless ‘Pembangkang Sifar’ resurfaces!

Federal-level Barisan Nasional leaders also seem to have written off doing anything about what seems to be a hopeless situation. What with the battle to keep Prime Minister Najib Razak in office taking up a lot of their time, Selangor no longer merits a ‘front-line state’ status. It’s a ‘given’, with BN only hoping that their enemies would not be able to handle success, will quarrel among themselves, and make BN suddenly relevant as a sleeping partner. Probably as a whore.

That won’t happen because BN is not to their taste. Even the confused PAS seems to be deterred by HIV of some kind. The last time Selangor UMNO met together with Najib in Langkawi, nothing was solved with regard to the fierce rivalry between Noh Omar’s team and Zin Badak’s team over control of Selangor UMNO. Najib was content to let things be, as if not to rock the already sinking boat. You would think that a courageous initiative was in order but weak Najib was dearth of ideas.

The state with the highest GDP, highest per capita income, most educated populace, and is the most cosmopolitan have said fook-off to BN. And there’s not so much as a whimper of death-throe from Selangor BN. That’s what you get when you were led by a crook who in turn was replaced by random personalities who never knew what hit them.

The only notable political challenges left in Selangor are the current attempt by DAP to lead the state despite it apparently representing only a minority race in the state, and PAN’s bid to confirm that educated urban Malays love them for being both progressive and Islamic, to which PAS sees no necessity to respond since it is already divine-mandated. And PKR just wants to rule Selangor whatever gives, in the absence of any national initiative to internally grow.

No Chinese worth his or her salt has time for MCA and Gerakan. And UMNO has no seat to spare, so no ‘ehsan’ seats for them to give to MCA. In MCA’s last electoral fight, their silly woman candidate mistakenly defined Kajang as not an urban seat, so she would do well compared to the drubbing she got from DAP’s Tony Pua in Petaling Jaya in PRU13. Looked as if sakais and peasants too detest MCA, or that she’s just too plain stupid to be observant.

The fact of the matter is, the coming PRU14 is the best but final chance for BN to rule Selangor ever. It is not undo-able, if only there is political will and resolve from higher-ups. Have the guts to ignore these 60s-style warlords. Malays within and outside UMNO don’t listen to them anymore and they are now archaic. The wisest way is to assemble fresh minds to first look into where UMNO Selangor self-destructed and lost the plot. Forget Noh.

