I don’t know, ask Husam, says Azmin on Umno-PAS coalition


(The Rakyat Post) – “I don’t know,” the short response came from Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali when asked to comment on claims made by former PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa regarding a coalition between Umno and PAS in the state.

He said that the state government had no information with regards to an assertion made by Husam where talks of a Umno-PAS unity government had taken place following the Selangor Menteri Besar crisis, last year.

“Have to ask Datuk Husam, I don’t know.

“I was not exposed to such information, so you would have to ask Datuk Husam,” he said when met at the Selangor State Secretariat (SUK) building, today.

Moreover, the PKR deputy president added that there had yet to be any discussions within the state government regarding the matter.

Meanwhile, Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Iskandar Abdul Samad also denied any knowledge regarding the claims made by his fellow colleague and explained that PAS had never discussed about cooperating with Umno.

Iskandar stated that his party was not informed if there was such a conspiracy to form a coalition government during the Selangor MB crisis at the time when Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim was still in office.

“I know nothing about his (PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang) statement, as normally any statements made will be issued to portals and newspapers, I would like to say that it was spun, but that may anger a lot of people.

“But we do not know If there is a conspiracy to form a unity government, and we do not agree if there is a coalition with Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN),” he stresses.

The Cempaka assemblyman added that PAS would not work with a weak and publicly rejected party.

“I feel, in my opinion there is no need to form a coalition government with Umno, as we are still currently in a state of control.

“What is the purpose for us to form a coalition with Umno, when the people no longer want Umno, the party right now is in a state of pressure, why would we want to collaborate with a government and a party that is no longer accepted by the people?”

Their responses came after Husam was reported saying that Abdul Hadi was currently in the midst of forming a coalition government between Umno and PAS in Selangor

The statement was made during a public lecture in Pasir Mas, Kelantan and it was believed that Husam had made references to the crisis faced by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) during the replacement of Abdul Khalid as the Selangor MB, last year.

