What’s with the eggs, Mr Minister?


And what’s worse is the fact that Ismail is in a position to address the problem.

Zan Azlee, The Malaysian Insider

I have always found a majority of Malaysians as being apathetic in many things, and more specifically, regarding the conservation of the environment and wildlife.

It’s as if they know and understand the reasons for it, but are just not taking it seriously and choosing not to do anything about it. I don’t seem to understand this behaviour.

It’s just like racism. Many of us say that we aren’t racist, but then have no qualms about making sweeping racial statements that we say are jokes. Get real!

Anyway, the recent controversy about Rural Development and Regional Minister Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob being at a dinner where turtle eggs were served is my point of contention.

Photos of him sitting at a dinner table, apparently in Sandakan, Sabah, with a plate of turtle eggs, which are highly protected and of which possession and consumption is illegal, have been making the media.

Sea turtles are a totally protected species and what the photo purpotedly shows is an offence under the Sabah Wildlife Conservation Enactment 1997. Section 41 of the enactment states: One can be fined RM50,000 or even jailed for five years, or both, if found to be in possession of these animals or its products, which include its eggs too.

Ismail has come out saying that he did not consume the eggs because he has high cholesterol and is on medication for it. That’s his justification. Sufficient? I think not.

Does it mean to say that if his cholesterol wasn’t a problem and he was in the height of health, he would have gladly consumed the eggs regardless of it being protected and illegal?

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