When the cock calls Arul Kanda chicken


The Chinese chap then shouts out to all and sundry, “Hey everyone. Look at this cowardly Jew. He does not dare fight my sister. He is giving stupid excuses that his fight is with me and not with my sister.”


Raja Petra Kamarudin

It is quite amusing to see Tony Pua, Anthony Loke, Rafizi Ramli and all those Pakatuns call Arul Kanda Kandasamy chicken for refusing to debate Rafizi Ramli. Of course, the spectators are also joining the fray and those who support Tony Pua are calling Arul Kanda chicken while those who support Arul Kanda are calling Tony Pua chicken.

I suppose it as an argument with no winners. It is like watching a Christian and a Muslim argue.

The Christian will insist that Jesus is the last Prophet, the Son of God, died on the cross, came back to life three days later, flew up to heaven, is now sitting beside God who sits on His throne, and is waiting for the right time to come back to earth to lead his people to heaven.

The Muslim will say bullshit, Jesus never died, the Bible is a fake, Muhammad is the last Prophet, and all those who follow Muhammad will be guaranteed heaven while all the rest are going to hell for eternity.

So, who is the winner of that Christian-Muslim argument? Well, it depends on whether you are Christian or Muslim. The Christian will say the Christian won the argument while the Muslim will say the Muslim won the argument. And the Hindu who is watching with great amusement will probably say both lost the argument because God actually has a head of an elephant or whatever.

At the end of the day you will believe whatever it is you believe and no amount of argument or debate is going to make you change your belief. Hence Tony Pua is right according to the Tony Pua supporters while Arul Kanda is right according to the Arul Kanda supporters.

Anyway, the way I see it is as follows, and let me use an analogy to explain myself.

A Jewish chap named Spielberg is sitting in a bar next to a Chinese chap named Pua and both are pissed drunk after hours of drinking. Suddenly the Jewish chap punches the Chinese chap, who falls onto the floor.

“What was that for?” the Chinese chap asks as he staggers to his feet.

“That was for bombing Pearl Harbour,” replies the Jewish chap.

“I am Chinese. We did not bomb Pearl Harbour. The Japanese did.”

“Chinese, Japanese, all the same,” the Jewish chap replies.

After sulking silently for a while, the Chinese chap suddenly punches the Jewish chap, who falls onto the floor.

“What was that for?” the Jewish chap asks as he staggers to his feet.

“That was for sinking the Titanic.”

“We did not sink the Titanic. An iceberg did.”

“Iceberg, Spielberg, all the same,” replies the Chinese chap.

They both continue drinking for a while longer and soon become hostile towards each other again.

The Chinese chap then loses his cool and challenges the Jewish chap to a fight.

By now the bartender is quite fed up with the both of them and asks them to ‘take it outside’.

“No problem,” says the Chinese chap. “Let’s go outside for a one-to-one fight,” he tells the Jewish chap.

“Agreed,” says the Jewish chap, as he rolls up his sleeves.

“But if you start a fight then don’t ever come back here again. I am banning you from my bar,” the bartender warns them.

The Chinese chap then tells the bartender, “No problem. I will still fight this Jew. But I am going to get my sister to take my place because I do not want to be banned from this bar.”

“I don’t want to fight your sister,” says the Jewish chap. “My fight is with you. You are the one who challenged me to a fight, not your sister.”

The Chinese chap then shouts out to all and sundry, “Hey everyone. Look at this cowardly Jew. He does not dare fight my sister. He is giving stupid excuses that his fight is with me and not with my sister.”

“Boo! Coward! No balls! Why don’t you dare fight his sister?” the rest of the half drunk patrons in the bar shout.

And that was when the bartender decided he is going to hand in his resignation first thing Monday morning and look for another job.

