Now back to the Altantuya issue


So there you are, four bullets and all duds. So the 1MDB and RM2.6 billion issues are not going to bring down Najib after all. So they may need to go back to the Altantuya Shaariibuu issue and try, yet again, to use that issue to force Najib’s resignation.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

As I have said many times before, if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is still Prime Minister by Christmas this year then he is going to still be Prime Minister for a couple of Christmases to come. It is very crucial, therefore, that Najib gets ousted by December 2015 at the very latest and should not be allowed to celebrate Christmas as Prime Minister.

That means this next one month is very critical and many things are going to happen in this next one month.

First of all the anti-Najib forces need to rally at least 112 Members of Parliament to their cause and make sure that the vote of no confidence in Parliament succeeds. Currently they are struggling to get 90, let alone 112. So that Plan is out the window (what is it again, Plan D, E or F?). Anyway, whatever alphabet it is, that Plan is no longer workable.

So the next hope is for the 1st December 2015 PAC hearing when Arul Kanda Kandasamy will be testifying and will be replying to questions regarding 1MDB. The anti-Najib forces have heard that Arul Kanda is well-prepared and will be able to satisfy all the PAC questions.

And that is why Tony Pua wants Arul Kanda to debate Rafizi Ramli instead of testifying at the PAC hearing. He knows they are going to fail at the PAC hearing so he hopes that if Arul Kanda goes on with the debate he would be barred from testifying in the hearing.

Third would be Najib’s speech in Parliament when he will be informing Parliament about the details of the RM2.6 billion. MACC has already confirmed that the money did not come from 1MDB and Arul Kanda would be able to prove that on 1st December.

Finally has to be the Umno General Assembly next month. Muhyiddin Yassin plans to openly ask Najib to resign and he hopes that the ripple he starts will turn into a tidal wave and maybe even into a Tsunami. However, this plan is already known and will most likely not gain traction. So the ripple is going to end up as a fizzle.

So there you are, four bullets and all duds. So the 1MDB and RM2.6 billion issues are not going to bring down Najib after all. So they may need to go back to the Altantuya Shaariibuu issue and try, yet again, to use that issue to force Najib’s resignation.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has got in touch with Sirul Azhar Umar in Australia and is trying to get him to testify that Najib had instructed him to kill Altantuya. Sirul, however, has refused.

The impression being created is that Sirul was Najib’s bodyguard. Actually he was not. He was the Prime Minister’s bodyguard, at that time Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. However, a few days before Altantuya was murdered, someone switched Sirul’s duty roster and sent him to Pekan as Najib’s escort.

Who did that and why it was done has never been revealed because the documents regarding this ‘transfer’ has disappeared. Someone does not want it known that Sirul was not really Najib’s bodyguard and had been asked to escort Najib to Pekan just for that one occasion to create the impression that he works for Najib.

It has now been revealed that Sirul was actually Dr Mahathir’s bodyguard and later became Abdullah’s bodyguard. But they needed to create this story that Sirul was Najib’s bodyguard to link Najib to the murder. And now Dr Mahathir wants Sirul to say that Najib did, in fact, ask him to murder Altantuya.

It looks like all those earlier moves to oust Najib have failed and they need to revert to the Altantuya issue as the last resort. If not the plan for Najib to celebrate Christmas in retirement is as good as dead in the water.
