Jakim – reform or disband

Farouk A Peru

Jakim has not contributed anything worthwhile to the development of Islam in Malaysia. Their Facebook and Twitter accounts have no discussion at all on Islamic philosophy, but is rather about puerile pictures!

Farouk A. Peru, The Malaysian Insider

I was enthralled to read Tawfik Ismail’s statement a few days ago which called for the abolishment of the Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakimn). I am a keen supporter of Tawfik’s nephew, Tariq Ismail and his constitutionalist movement and feel that this is all we need for a national revitalization. His uncle Tawfik Ismail’s call therefore is long overdue.

Despite its name (and the operative word being ‘kemajuan’ or development/growth/advancement) Jakim has not contributed anything worthwhile to the development of Islam in Malaysia. Their Facebook and Twitter accounts have no discussion at all on Islamic philosophy, but is rather about puerile pictures!

On the other hand, they have practiced Islamofascist policies which have repressed Malaysian Muslims than anyone else and turned them into religious consumers.

The claim that Jakim is needed arises from the constitutional provision that ‘Islam is the official religion of the federation’. However, this is a non-sequitur. Islam being the religion of the federation has absolutely no link with the formation of Jakim. This provision could be interpreted in many other ways, namely the idea that Islam is the identity of the majority of the people of the Federation or even that Islamic values are the values which carry the nation. Again, the interpretation of what constitutes ‘Islamic values’ is a matter of personal subjectivity.

Nowhere does the constitutionsay that the conservative fraternity of ulama is the sole guardian of the faith, let alone in charge of Malay-Muslim lives. ‘Tangkap khalwat’ is most certainly absent from the list, yet it’s Jakim’s favourite activity.

As stated in the outset, Jakim’s name includes the term ‘Kemajuan’ (development, growth, advancement). What, pray tell, has Jakim actually contributed to the development of Islam in the nation? Malay-Muslims are at their lowest ebb. From the point of view of education, Jakim has not been able to motivate them towards stellar educational achievements. They might argue that that measurement is unfair considering that Jakim is meant to be a religious establishment and should not affect ‘secular’ matters, but if this is true, then Jakim has no jurisdiction outside the mosque!

Sadly, they would like to have their cake and eat it as well.

Jakim’s protectionist approach to Islam in the nation is not meant for the Malay-Muslims, but for their own rice bowl. When Tawfik Ismail made his clarion call, Jakim officials were quick to point out that Jakim is needed for the protection against Shia-ism, liberal Islam and Isis. These claims are highly dubious for the following reasons.

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