Husam prepared to divorce his wife


(The Star) – As expected, Datuk Husam Musa has pledged to stay in PAS and said that nobody including Dewan Ulamak chief Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamed can tell him to leave the Islamist party.

The former PAS vice president said he will continue being a “thorn in the flesh” for those who have deviated from the Islamic struggles that is the fundamental existence of PAS.

“I have no other motives but to bring the party back to its original tracks and have no desire to hold high posts in the party or the Kelantan government,

“I know that I am an outcast to PAS leaders in the state or the central committee but I shall play my role as the sole critic to anyone going against the grain of the party,” said the Salor assemblyman at a Dialogue titled Demo Tanyo Ambo Jawab (You Ask and I Answer) here on Friday night.

Husam was asked whether he would swear before the Al-Quran that he has evidence of a move by party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang to set up a unity government in Selangor with the help of Barisan Nasional.

Husam replied that although he did not have the evidence he is willing to divorce his wife if his allegations were untrue.

“I know that Datuk Hasan Ali and former Deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa had met Umno leaders at a hotel a few years ago and what was discussed.

“I knew about it because a hotel bellboy who was against an Umno and PAS pact had alerted me.

“And the other question why it took me two years to reveal about the president’s activities is that at least I have done my job in the eyes of God,” he added.

Dr Mahfodz was reported to have said that Husam was more suitable to join PAN (Parti Amanah Negara) if he still felt sore for losing in the June party polls.

He added that Husam’s criticism towards the leadership was not in line of the party’s ideals and that proved that his heart was no longer with PAS.

Lately, Husam has critised the government over many issues from logging concessions to the arrears of Kelantan Foundation staff contributions amounting to RM14mill and many more.

Husam said no one has the rights to ask him to leave PAS and vice versa.

He claimed that he was critical towards the PAS top brass and the Kelantan government was done because it has deviated from the late Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat’s aspirations.

