Jamil calls out Akmal for criminal defamation

jamil khir-akmal

Minister wants police to investigate Akmal under Penal Code for attack on his official responsibilities

(Free Malaysia Today) – The police have been urged to investigate anti-corruption activist Akmal Nasir for criminal defamation for making allegations about Islamic affairs minister Jamil Khir Baharom.

The minister has been accused of misusing funds from a charity for a trip to the United States last year which Akmal alleged to have included shopping and golfing.

Jamil, who is a minister in the prime minister’s department, made a police report here today, saying Akmal’s allegations were false and slanderous and amounted to criminal defamation as an attack on his rights and responsibilities as a minister.

“I have lodged a police report and told my lawyers to initiate legal action. I will answer everything in court, so see you (Akmal) in court,” he told reporters outside Putrajaya police station today.

Akmal himself had lodged a police report at Dang Wangi police station in Kuala Lumpur earlier today, urging the police to conduct an investigation on those involved in the Islamic economic development foundation Yapeim, including the board of trustees and Jamil.

Jamil said in his report that Akmal’s allegations were made with the intention of ruining his reputation and dignity as a minister.

“I believe Akmal Nasir committed an offense under the law involving criminal defamation when issuing accusations and false statement and he should be investigated under Section 499 of the Penal Code or any sections or laws that is deemed appropriate immediately,” Jamil wrote in the report.


