Rafizi Ramli caught lying, yet again


On 7th November, Rafizi Ramli said he would not be accepting the invitation to attend the briefing cum questions-and-answers session at the Putra World Trade Centre. Today, he said he was not invited to the event. This time he really put his dick into his own mouth.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Rafizi - The Sun

I was not invited to 1MDB forum: Rafizi

(The Sun Daily, 15 November 2015) – Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) secretary-general Rafizi Ramli today said he did not receive any invitation to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), Trans-Pacific Partnership Development (TPPA) and Budget 2016 forum held at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) on Saturday.

“No. I never got the invitation. Furthermore, it should not be a forum but a debate,” he told theSun.

Rafizi, who is also Pandan MP, expressed shock in his blog, saying that 1MDB president and chief executive Arul Kanda Kandasamy had “once again said he was not afraid to face anyone concerning 1MDB; which includes me and Tony Pua”.

He said this statement was made in front of Umno supporters at the party’s headquarters and everyone was waiting for the open debate between him (Arul Kanda) and Pua but it never took off.

Rafizi was later nominated to replace Pua.

He alleged that Arul Kanda knew that Pua would be tied to the result of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) probe into 1MDB and would uphold it above all else.

Rafizi said he will be writing to both Arul Kanda and the Malay daily Sinar Harian as the organiser to hold the debate.

The date will be set by the organiser, he said in his blog in an entry titled “ArulKanda Jangan Hanya Berani di Depan Penyokong Umno, Sahut Segera Cabaran Berdebat” (ArulKanda Should Not Only Be Brave in Front of Umno Supporters, Embrace Immediately the Challenge to Debate).

He had chosen Sinar Harian as it had previously organised forums and debates between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan.

Last Saturday, the briefing was attended by about 1,000 people comprising Umno members and the public.

Arul Kanda had reportedly said he was willing to meet anyone, including Rafizi and Petaling Jaya Utara MP Pua to brief them on 1MDB’s financial status.

He was also asked by a veteran Umno member during the question-and-answer session why former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was not invited to the event.

Arul Kanda responded that everyone was invited as the session was open to the public.

At press time, Pua did not respond if he had received any invitation and it is not known if Mahathir was sent an invitation.


Despite open invite, opposition MPs say won’t attend Umno briefing on 1MDB

(Malay Mail Online, 7 November 2015) – Pakatan Harapan leaders critical of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) have snubbed Umno’s open invite to attend a briefing on the issue next week, claiming the venue would not be conducive to get answers about the state investment fund.

“No it would not an appropriate venue because for these types of briefings, Arul Kanda would not necessarily be required to answer all questions on 1MDB.

“If it’s on live television, he would have no choice but to answer… so no I will not attend this but my offer to debate him live still stands,” PKR secretary-general Rafizi Ramli told Malay Mail Online. (READ MORE HERE)

