Either Nazir apologise to Arul or …


… he is just another childish and selfish Mr Bean look-a-like.

Another Brick in the Wall

Rocky Bru wrote that he does not expect Nazir to be put under inquiry for his “bastardly” erroneous Instagram message as what happened to Badlisyah Ghani, the former CEO of CIMB Islamic for highlighting inconsistencies in an exposure by Wall Street Journal.

Rocky suggested that the least he should do is to apologise to Arul Kanda.

That is if he is a truly gentleman with aristocratic upbringing. Someone so spoilt as a youngest child and with a big ego will never apologise.

As far as Nazir emulating Badlisyah to resign, we have been saying so for quite sometime. Nazir made a wrong call in Indonesia that cost the bank. Instead of quiting, he promoted himself and left behind shit for Tengku Zafrul to clean. [read past posting here].

So do not get upset for this name calling. It is justified.

Badlisyah was told to remove his FB posting on reason he should not be committing on a technical matter. As bank CEO, he has some familiarity with remittance instructions. It is something he can commit. Instead of going through the inquiry, Badlisyah had other plan and decided to quit.

Now, on what then basis should Nazir be committing on 1MDB?

He is not involved in any investigating authorities; be it police, or Bank Negara or MACC. Neither is he a member of the Attorney General office to vet through the case. He is not on the Board of Directors of 1MDB.

As a citizen, he has said enough. But instead he acting as an irritant.

Should he wish to make allegations, he should be specific, make a police or MACC report, and put up the proofs.

Should he be interested in politics, again he could resign from his corporate positions and most welcome to enter the ring or turun padang.

Otherwise, he should stop his spoilt kid tantrum for losing out on the first 30 year bond deal to Arab Malaysian or his request to be Minister of Finance refused.


