Mahathir Still Envisions Being in-Charge


Mahathir definitely sees himself as a member of his supposed ‘council of elders’. Has he thought what will happen after he is gone, and there is a new prime minister? Najib would then be on the council who would advice the incoming PM.

Tajuddin Rosli

I can’t help but scoff at Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s proposal of having a “council of elders” to guide the prime minister in governing the country. After failed attempts of shadow playing with Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Mahathir now foresees a council where he would be part of in order to control the prime minister; perhaps a way to reignite his crooked bridge dream.

Mahathir mocks the current system of cabinet appointments made solely by the prime minister. Maybe somebody should remind Mahathir who started the trend of appointing only yes-men into the cabinet.

Mahathir definitely sees himself as a member of his supposed ‘council of elders’. Has he thought what will happen after he is gone, and there is a new prime minister? Najib would then be on the council who would advice the incoming PM. Hence, in the long run, Mahathir is simply handing power back to Najib on a golden platter; the man Mahathir despises to the core. Isn’t it an irony how a man who once had a vision that was unmatched, is so shortsighted today?

While Mahathir says it is important for a council to guide the prime minister in making decisions today, he was a bully during his time. The late Tunku Abdul Rahman continuously pleaded with Mahathir to maintain independence of the judiciary. Mahathir never liked the fact that the Judiciary was independent from the Executive and Legislative arms of the government. Tun Musa Hitam who was Malaysia’s Deputy PM in the early 1980’s once alleged that Mahathir’s favourite slogan was “Hang the lawyers, hang the judges.” Mahathir eventually masterminded amending the Constitution in parliament so that the Executive gained in power at the expense of the Judiciary. Mahathir sacked Tun Salleh Abas who was the then Lord President of Supreme Court for standing his ground defending the autonomy of the judiciary system. Tunku described that move as “the most shocking story in modern legal and judicial history.”

Mahathir was never open to advice from the elders during his tenure. When Tunku used to express his opinions in a column in The Star newspaper, Mahathir banned the paper. Mahathir even put a deaf ear on the late Tun Hussein Onn’s pleas to maintain racial unity. Mahathir went as far as denying Hussein Onn membership in Umno Baru. I wonder what council of elders Mahathir is speaking about now when he himself had no regards for the elders.

Unfortunately for Mahathir, this time even DAP is abandoning him. DAP’s constitutional law expert Dr. Abdul Aziz Bari has shot down Mahathir’s suggestion by saying it is unconstitutional. Aziz very rightly said that forming such a council would further worsen administration of the country. Even the Opposition is now acknowledging that Mahathir has a habit of interferingand ruining the system. Aziz indirectly reminded the people not to buy into Mahathir’s ill intentions.

Mahathir seems unable to accept the fact that he is irrelevant in the country today. Just because there are extremist goons like Perkasa elevating him, it does not make him important. Mahathir’s inability to call the shots is definitely eating him inside. Umno members are staying away from him. Those who sang his tune are behind bars. History is definitely repeating for Mahathir. The only difference is this time somebody else is controlling the game.
