Jamil Khir sues NGO head for RM10m for claiming he used orphanage funds


(Malay Mail Online) – Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom filed a RM10 million defamation lawsuit against the chief of the National Oversight and Whistleblowers (NOW) today over the PKR-linked group’s claims that the Islamic affairs minister abused funds meant for an orphanage.

Jamil Khir said NOW director Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir’s statements accusing him of misusing charity foundation Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia’s (Yapeim) funds had depicted him as a dishonest and corrupt politician who cannot be trusted.

“This is the start of justice for Datuk Seri Jamil Khir,” Jamil Khir’s lawyer, Adnan Seman, told reporters at the courthouse here today.

“We’re claiming for RM10 million,” the lawyer added at the press conference.

According to the statement of claim, Akmal’s allegations made on November 13 that Jamil Khir had used Yapeim money to fund a US shopping and golfing trip last year were defamatory.

Akmal had said the trip, which was allegedly funded by Yayasan Pembangunan Anak Yatim/Miskin (Pemangkin), an institution under the watch of Yapeim that falls under Jamil Khir’s purview, had cost more than RM410,000.

Jamil Khir responded last week, saying he visited the US in his official capacity as the minister in charge of Islamic affairs and demanded that his accuser apologise and retract his remarks. But Akmal refused to do so.

Jamil Khir said in the statement of claim that Akmal had made the defamatory remarks against him without confirming the validity of the accusations with him or with Yapeim.

“The plaintiff, as the minister in charge of Islamic affairs in this country, is very important to Umno and to Barisan Nasional (BN) and by defaming and bad-mouthing the plaintiff, it will also make Umno and BN look bad,” said the statement of claim.

NOW has been running a series of what it asserts are exposés on alleged power abuse by Yapeim. In its first few exposés, the group put the salaries and allowances paid to Yapeim’s chairman and deputy, a Wanita Umno leader, under the spotlight.

Yapeim was a charity set up by the federal government in 1976 and placed under the purview of the prime minister, with special attention from the minister in charge of Islamic affairs.

