Sabah to widen probe after new photos of turtle-egg dinner emerge


(MMO) – The pictures show what looked to be bits of turtle eggshells on the table directly in front of Rural and Regional Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Umno Beluran division chief Datuk James Ratib and Beluran district officer Suhaili Riman.

Additional photographs showing close-ups of Umno leaders at a recent dinner that featured turtle eggs have provided new impetus for the Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) investigating the controversy.

State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said the department was wrapping up its investigations, but will now use the new photos which show fragments of turtle eggshells on the table in front of some of the diners ― indicating they had consumed the wholly protected creatures ― to expand the scope of their probe.

“The photos are new to me. I will forward them to the director of SWD to act upon based on the available evidence.

“They are just wrapping up the investigation of the case. The new photos widen the scope of their investigation,” Masidi told Malay Mail Online last night when contacted.

Four photos were posted on the Walai Penyu Resort Libaran Facebook page late yesterday evening by an Internet user who goes by the moniker “Deadturtles Sabah”.

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