Chinese PKR against DAP


KTemoc Konsiders

Malaysiakini – Penang Umno motion – PKR reps’ conscience, or planned revolt?

The above is an article penned by CM Lim Guan Eng himself. He wrote (relevant extracts only):

The five PKR assemblypersons who abstained from voting cannot be dismissed as an act of a loner, but pre-planned and organised. PKR whip Ong Chin Wen the assemblyperson for Bukit Tengah told the press that the PKR 5 abstained in accordance with their conscience and that it “reflected the current political situation”.

Does this mean that their own four PKR assemblypersons holding government posts, namely Penang deputy speaker Maktar Shapee, the three PKR excos of Deputy Chief Minister I Mohd Rashid Hasnon, Abdul Malik Abul Kassim and Afif Bahardin, who voted against Umno’s motion have no conscience?

What type of current political situation is he talking about when the Umno assemblypersons had earlier opposed PKR’s motion to ask that imprisoned PKR leader, Anwar Ibrahim, be given medical treatment of his choice as well as refused to answer to questions relating to the RM2.6 billion donation scandal?

Abstention by the PKR 5, as a BN daily emphasised, is as good as supporting Umno’s motion and an “act of mutiny from within”. Can the PKR 5 be counted upon as a reliable or dependable partner, ally or member of the Penang state government?

If you note carefully, the 5 PKR ADUN who did not support the Penang Pakatan government consisted of 4 Chinese, while the 4 PKR ADUN who supported the state government have been all Malays.

I suspect this has more to do with the Chinese section of PKR being ferociously against DAP. Once I had written:

The truth is that PKR (if we leave out the PRM component) has been KeADILan has been UMNO.

It undeniably possesses UMNO genes and characteristics though it claims to be multi-racial, a claim somewhat discredited by Anwar Ibrahim’s poor treatment of many of its erstwhile Indian members who left in droves – but then if they hadn’t, would Azmin Ali have a chance of becoming party deputy president and eventually party president?

So while the ex-UMNO members represent the core of PKR and dominate party policies and decision making, and precisely because of all these, the nons want so desperately to demonstrate their relevance in the party.

And, hey hey hey, there’s the PKR Chinese faction, with its unspoken faction leadership reputed to have been assumed by Tian Chua.

Tian Chua is of course not his birth/legal name, which is Chua Tian Chang. It’s obvious he has clung on to his Aussie-given name.


