DAP questions why Azmin won’t recognise new Pakatan

Teo Kok Seong

But Youth chief Teo also looks forward to getting Anwar’s blessing

(Free Malaysia Today) – DAP Youth leader Teo Kok Seong, disappointed with the Selangor state government for not acknowledging the newly-formed Pakatan Harapan alliance, looks forward to the new coalition receiving the blessings of jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Teoh, opening the DAP Socialist Youth national congress, pointed out that the alliance of PKR, DAP and Parti Amanah Negara was formed officially and had received the blessings of PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ibrahim.

However the Selangor government decision not to recognise the alliance belittled the sacrifice of Parti Amanah Negara leaders in defending the former alliance of Pakatan Rakyat, he said.

The Selangor state government is led by PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, who was appointed by the Sultan of Selangor after an internal crisis in PKR which led to the dismissal of Khalid Ibrahim.

Azmin’s executive council includes members of PAS, but not members of Amanah.


