PKR defends reps’ decision to abstain from voting


Deputy information chief says PKR is more concerned with putting the people’s interest ahead of politics in the issue of land reclamation in Penang.

(Free Malaysia Today) – The action by elected representatives to abstain from voting in the Penang state assembly was a democratic right they exercised and showed they placed the interests of the people ahead of that of politics, Genie Lim of PKR said in defence of the five.

In a statement issued today, Lim, the party’s deputy information chief said that in a true parliamentary democracy, a check and balance by the legislative was a “norm” that should be encouraged and added, “The noble intention to abstain shows that the people’s interests are above political interests and it proves that democracy and diversity is celebrated in Pakatan Harapan.”

She was referring to the decision by PKR whip Ong Chin Wen (Bukit Tengah), Dr Norlela Ariffin (Penanti), Cheah Kah Peng (Kebun Bunga), T Jayabalan (Batu Uban) and Lee Khai Loon (Machang Bubuk) to abstain from voting for a proposal by state Opposition Barisan Nasional that public hearings be held and detailed studies conducted on future land reclamation projects in Penang.

She said the five backbenchers had vast experience in their respective fields and had proven time and time again that the people’s interests were of the utmost priority.

“The rationale behind abstaining is to protect the people’s interest. This is also in line with the primary responsibility owed by elected reps to their voters.

“This motion involves the interests of the public despite being tabled by Umno,” she said.

Lim also argued that by right public hearings were mandatory before any reclamation proposal could be approved and supported the proposal that all reclamation works be halted until a Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) report could be produced.


