Cracks in Penang Pakatan’s armour

Lim Guan Eng

To Lim Guan Eng, anyone who doesn’t back DAP is an Umno supporter.

Mata Kuching, Free Malaysia Today

Barisan Nasional’s motion on land reclamation at the Penang state assembly session last Friday has dug a huge hole in Pakatan Harapan’s backyard.

The motion was defeated by the DAP-dominated assembly in a 23-against-10 vote, but Chief Minister and DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng has emerged as a battered victor.

The cracks in the Pakatan armour have become visible indeed.

The motion was backed by one of DAP’s own, Tanjung Bungah assemblyman Teh Yee Cheu. Although he later apologised for his “political mistake,” the damage had been done.

But what frustrated Lim most was that five PKR assemblymen abstained from voting. Of PKR’s 10 assemblymen, only those holding government portfolios voted against the motion.

Lim indicated that the defiance demonstrated by the five PKR politicians gave an impression that PKR was with Umno.

In other words, anyone who doesn’t back DAP must be supporting Umno.

The accusation has angered Penang PKR Youth. The movement has demanded that Lim retract his statement and publicly apologise to the five PKR assemblymen. It reminded him that PKR’s elected representatives had backed him since 2008.

The BN motion was on the controversial land reclamation of 2,600 hectares of land, and PKR Youth said the PKR assemblymen had abstained from voting because their conscience did not allow them to support the project.

“It showed that they did not want to be mere puppets of the state administration,” the movement said in a press release.


