Case closed on issue of five PKR Penang assemblymen

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(The Star) – PKR considers the issue of five Penang assemblymen who abstained from voting on a Barisan Nasional motion on land reclamation to be closed.

The party’s coordinating bureau chairman Datuk Johari Abdul said he was satisfied with the explanations given by the five assemblymen when he met them at the Opposition office in Parliament yesterday.

“We understand that the motion tabled was not partisan, rather it was relevant to the environment and public interest,” said Johari.

He added that the differences in opinion were respected.

“We respect the differences in opinion because it is a healthy democracy, and we also affirm our commitment to the Pakatan Harapan government in Penang,” he told a press conference after the meeting yesterday.

Last Friday at the Penang state legislative assembly, Pulau Betong assemblyman Muhammad Farid Saad had tabled a motion for all new proposals for reclamation to be postponed until a detailed oceanic and social impact study is done.

He also proposed that all reclamation projects and concessions should be subject to a public hearing before being finalised.

Five PKR assemblymen – Ong Chin Wen (Bukit Tengah), Norlela Ariffin (Penanti), Cheah Kah Peng (Kebun Bunga), Dr T Jayabalan (Batu Uban), and Lee Khai Loon (Machang Bubuk), abstained from voting.

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had later reprimanded them and questioned their motives.

However, Johari said the PKR leadership was satisfied with the five assemblymen’s actions because they were made in the interests of the public.

Asked if Lim had been made known of the decision, Johari simply responded with a “not yet, hopefully he will also consider the matter closed”.
