IGP: Offence to withhold information from police


(The Star) – The brother of the late Kevin Morais must come forward with any information he has relating to the deputy public prosecutor’s murder as it is against the law to keep it from the police, says Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar (pic).

The IGP was commenting on a statutory declaration made by Charles Suresh, the second eldest brother in the Morais family on Wednesday, saying he was in possession of a pen drive containing information that casts doubt on the circumstances surrounding the murder and implicated certain influential people.

“If he claims that he has certain evidence then he should share it with the police.

“If he does not, then it is tantamount to him committing an offence as he is withholding evidence,” he said when contacted Wednesday.

In the statutory declaration, Charles claimed that Kevin was killed because of a case he was working on.

Charles said the pen drive was currently in safe custody in the United States, and had left instructions for its contents to be disclosed should “anything untoward” happen to him.

It was reported that Richard, the youngest brother in the Morais family, claimed Kevin’s body from the Kuala Lumpur Hospital mortuary and has reportedly cremated it against the family’s wishes.

The family had been keeping the body there as they were awaiting a second post-mortem to be done on the body.

