‘Which PKR leader knew Chin Wen would abstain?’ asks Guan Eng


(The Rakyat Post) – Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng wants to know the identity of the national PKR leader whom Bukit Tengah assemblyman Ong Chin Wen claimed to have notified of his intention to abstain during the recent state assembly sitting.

Ong, along with four other PKR assemblyman, had abstained on a BN motion regarding a controversial land reclamation of 2,600ha, though none at the state level had knowledge of their plans to do so.

“His move could be seen as backstabbing as he had sidestepped the state government,” Lim told a press conference at his office in Komtar here today.

He also urged Ong to openly declare support for Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon, stressing that what happened during the state legislative assembly sitting was uncalled for.

“Like (Tanjung Bungah assemblyman) Teh Yee Cheu, he did make a speech on the matter  before hand so that’s a different matter.

“It should not have happened in the assembly sitting when he (Ong) led another four PKR members to abstain.

“I hope Ong can show respect towards Rashid and also the state government if he considers himself part of the state government,” added Lim, who is also DAP secretary-general.

He also said that his proposal for the five PKR state assemblymen to continue their services were approved by the Exco in the meeting today.

“So they will be carrying out their duties as usual.

“However they should restore their credibility and regain the trust of the people (as) they are part of the state government,” he said.

Various PKR leaders have come out in support of the five who abstained with the Youth saying the five had done so because their conscience did not allow them to support the project.

