Kit Siang implies Kevin’s murder connected to 1MDB

kit sial

The DAP veteran leader calls for an international inquiry into DPP Kevin Morais’ assassination in view of the implication of the alleged involvement of powerful personalities, including the new Attorney-General.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Three recent developments are proof that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s twin mega scandals will grow ever bigger as national and international scandals, warned suspended Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang in a statement. “They are not going to disappear, even with the latest RM9.8 billion buy-out of 1MDB energy assets by state-owned China General Nuclear Power.”

Firstly, the statutory declaration by Charles Morais raises disturbing questions about the assassination of his brother, DPP Kevin Morais, and whether it was connected with the 1MDB scandal.

It’s the revelations by Charles Morais over the assassination of his DPP brother in September which has catapulted the 1MDB scandal to a new dimension. “These are shocking revelations if true,” said Lim. “One person who should know about Charles’ allegations will be Abdul Gani Patail, Kevin’s superior who was summarily sacked as Attorney-General for alleged ‘health’ reasons, three months before his mandatory retirement.”

Will Gani Patail speak up? asked Lim. “The new Attorney-General Mohd Apandi Ali had previously dismissed the alleged draft charge sheet against Najib as false.”

Charles’ revelations in his SD, he urged, warrants a new and full inquiry into the DPP’s assassination. “It should be an international inquiry in view of the implication of the alleged involvement of powerful personalities, including the new Attorney-General who had earlier dismissed the report about the alleged charge sheet against the Prime Minister.”

Lim was commenting on a statutory declaration (SD) which was made public on Wednesday. Charles Morais alleged in the SD that Kevin’s murder was linked to a charge sheet he was preparing against a “high-ranking government official” and that the latter had confided in him while he was preparing it in the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC).

Secondly, added Lim there was the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) special infographics on the 1MDB scandal on Wednesday and its “serpentine links to the Federal Government and beyond”.

Thirdly, the growing revolt among the three million Umno members from branches over the Prime Minister’s mishandling of the twin mega scandals as well as other policy disasters like the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

The comprehensive and infographics-laden breakdown of the 1MDB scandal by WSJ, which followed the 1MDB’s “controversial transactions” and money trail with five succinct short videos, explained in layman terms the “behind-the-scenes machinations that led 1MDB to its current morass”, stressed Lim who was also DAP Parliamentary Leader.

Undoubtedly, he added, the WSJ report, “which detailed the sordid evolution of Malaysia’s biggest financial and political controversy in the nation’s history”, and the subject of investigations by at least seven countries — Britain, Switzerland, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and United States — “marks a new level of international concern about Najib’s twin mega scandals”.

This week has also seen the growing revolt of the three million Umno members from 21,000 branches over Najib’s twin mega scandals, he argued. However, he conceded, that there are no signs that Najib’s position as Prime Minister and Umno President was facing any threat as he continues to command a very powerful grip on the party because of the support of 300 warlords and divisional chiefs. “This is a new phenomenon in Umno and Malaysian politics with far-reaching consequences.”

Again, said Lim, Malaysia seemed to have become the “Land of Shocking Statutory Declarations”, noted Lim in revisiting Charles’ SD. “Malaysians are reminded eerily of the previous SDs by private investigator PI Bala in connection with the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.”

Lim delved into salient details from Charles’ SD:


