Lim Guan Eng continues strafing Penang PKR Chinese ADUNs

lim guan eng

“Conscience vote” by party parliamentarians (or Aduns) is only allowed when the highest party leadership publicly permits it.

KTemoc Konsiders

TMI – Guan Eng not convinced PKR 5 abstained based on conscience (relevant extracts):

PKR’s Johari Abdul has failed to convince Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng that five PKR assemblypersons who abstained from voting against an Umno motion on reclamation did so based on their conscience.“When he (Johari) said that the PKR 5 voted according to their conscience, does it mean that the four other PKR assemblymen who voted against the Umno motion, did not have any conscience?” Lim asked at a press conference today.KT comment: I’ll have more to say about this “conscience voting” soon, wakakaka.

The four PKR leaders who supported the state government in rejecting the Umno motion were Deputy Chief Minister I Rashid Hasnon (Pantai Jerejak), state executive councillors Abdul Malik Kassim (Batu Maung) and Dr Afif Bahardin (Seberang Jaya), and deputy speaker Maktar Shapee.

KT comment: Reminder, 4 Chinese PKR Aduns abstained from voting against the UMNO proposal which is the same as voting with UMNO or alternatively, voting AGAINST the 4 Malay PKR Aduns who voted together with the DAP-led Pakatan state government, one of whom is Rashid Hasnon, the DCM I of Penang. 

“Do they not have any conscience when they do not want to see the state go bankrupt?” Lim queried, when asked to response to Johari’s statement at a press conference held in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. […]Lim reiterated that cancellation of projects can bring big consequences to Penang, saying that the compensation amount would run into RM1 billion or more.“As a government, we have to behave responsibly, which is why the four PKR assemblymen voted against the Umno motion.“They cannot risk Penang going bankrupt,” Lim said.Lim said Johari may have been aware of the facts of the incident before announcing his support for the PKR rebels.Johari may not know that the PKR reps did not inform Rashid, whom DAP recognises as the party leader in Penang, before they abstained from voting, Lim added.“This is unacceptable,” he said. Lim has earlier accused Ong, who led the other four in abstention, of attempting to topple Rashid, which Ong had denied.

This is Part II to my earlier post Chinese PKR against DAP four days ago.

Lim GE obviously isn’t going to allow the 5 PKR Aduns of Penang (4 of them Chinese versus 4 Malay PKR Aduns, where the latter voted with the DAP-led state government) get away with their virtually anti-Pakatan voting with the pathetic weak attempt by PKR HQ to broad brush away their political rebellion.From Lim’s comments, it’s apparently clear that the PKR leadership in Penang (DCM I Rashid Hasnon) was not even aware of the 4 Chinese PKR Aduns’ intention to abstain. Thus it could be said that poor unsuspecting Rashid Hasnon had been embarrassingly ambushed-sabotaged by his own party people.
