Morais brothers at each other’s throats over Kevin’s murder


Charles and Richard call each other “crook” and “fraud” with the former insisting there is more to Kevin’s murder than meets the eye.

(Free Malaysia Today) – The murder of deputy public prosecutor Anthony Kevin Morais has taken on an uglier dimension now that his brothers Charles Suresh and Richard are going at each other with accusations of fraud and cover-ups.

According to a report in The Malaysian Insider, Richard said Charles was a “fraud” and that he was being investigated for tax evasion in the US where he is based.

“Google Charles Morais and read everything about his criminal activities in the United States, from there the people of Malaysia can judge him right away,” he said in a text message to the news portal.

According to the LancasterOnline, Charles was apparently the CEO of Kronos Hotels and Resorts but that he was pursued for tax evasion and was facing lawsuits from vendors and lenders who were never paid after the business went bust in 2007.

Richard also told the news portal the police should arrest Charles for the allegations he made in his Statutory Declaration (SD).

“I also feel that the police should pick him up soon and carry out an investigation about his wild accusations and charge him if he is found to be a fraud.”

On Wednesday, Charles made public an SD alleging that Kevin’s murder was linked to a charge sheet the deputy public prosecutor was working on against a “high-ranking government official”. Charles also alleged that the Inspector-General of Police had spoken to Kevin about having spotted Richard leaving the vicinity close to where Ambank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi had been murdered in July 2013.

Both Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali and IGP Khalid Abu Bakar have rubbished the allegations with the former calling it “preposterous” and the latter saying he had never spoken to Kevin about the Najadi murder and that Charles had better have solid proof to back up his claims.

Charles also said Richard was a “crook” who would do anything for money including work with “someone” who was “controlling this game of chess” involving Kevin’s murder.


