‘We need PAS to win GE14’


(The Sun Daily) – A Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) youth leader said it would be next to impossible to win the 14th general election (GE14) without the support of PAS in the opposition coalition.

PKR Padang Serai Youth chief Mohd Ridhwan Mohd Razali said PAS is still a force to be reckoned with, especially among the Malay voters in Kedah.

“The political landscape in Kedah is almost the same in states such as Selangor, Pulau Pinang and Terengganu, among others.

“I know this because I am from Kedah. If we severe ties with PAS, we can forget about winning the election,” he said during the debate session of the party’s 11th Annual Youth Congress here today.

He said the opposition needs to be realistic since PAS still has a large base of supporters across the country.

“You cannot divorce PAS. We need to work hand in hand with PAS. We can’t allow ourselves to be dictated by our enemies, including our allies in the coalition of Pakatan Harapan,” he said.

Mohd Ridhwan urged party members to unite and reminded the DAP that it is important to close ranks among all the opposition leaders to capture Putrajaya.

“We cannot afford to be afraid to state the truth. We can’t simply keep listening to DAP. Now Datuk Seri Anwar is in jail, we do not and must not allow ourselves to be dictated by our allies,” he added.
