Dr M’s attacks against Najib, BN stunting Malaysia’s growth, minister says

Salleh Said Keruak

(Malay Mail Online) – Federal minister  Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak has urged Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to stop his attacks against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, saying the former leader’s criticism was impeding the development of the country and her people’s unity.

In an open letter addressed to Malaysia’s former prime minister of 22 years, the communications and multimedia minister compared Dr Mahathir to the opposition pact, saying the 90-year-old’s persistent “lies” against the Barisan Nasional (BN) government was slowing down its socio-economic development policies that would lift the country to first-world nationhood.

“The time has come for Tun to let go of the responsibility of running the country to the next generation. Because these are the kind of actions that will actually be detrimental to Umno and this beloved country,” Salleh wrote on his blog yesterday, using the honorific title to refer to Dr Mahathir.

In a lengthy 17-point posting, the Sabah Umno leader sought to debunk Dr Mahathir’s wide-ranging allegations against Najib and his administration that touched on issues ranging from the prime minister’s call for unity under the 1 Malaysia motto to the current questions surrounding state-owned investment firm 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Salleh described Dr Mahathir’s criticisms as slander, pointing out that the latter had yet to back up any of his claims with facts and figures.

He also accused Dr Mahathir of attempting to control the prime minister and future office-bearers by proxy through the introduction of a Council of Elders, adding that such a concept was against Malaysia’s practice of democracy.

“Tun has openly said that he wants to set up a Council of Elders to supervise the next prime minister.

“This is an undemocratic action just to fulfil Tun’s desires of not accepting anyone else’s method except his own. Because of this Tun has constantly asked PM to resign because the next PM would follow his orders through the Council of Elders,” Salleh said.

Dr Mahathir, once seen as a mentor to Najib, has become one of the prime minister’s staunchest critics in the last few months and publicly demanded the latter resign and take responsibility for a number of issues affecting the country, including the ringgit slide that has resulted in a rise of living costs.

