After Jho Low and Suboh, MACC set to question Najib today, say sources


(The Malaysian Insider) – The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is set to record a statement from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today on former 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) subsidiary SRC International Sdn Bhd (SRC) and the RM2.6 billion deposited into his personal accounts, allegedly from a Middle Eastern donor.

Sources told The Malaysian Insider that MACC officers are expected to record Najib’s statement, either at his office in Parliament or at his residence, this morning.

It was learnt that MACC’s attempts to speak to the prime minister earlier failed owing to his busy schedule.

This latest development into the probe comes after MACC officers, had over the weekend, recorded statements from businessman Low Taek Jho (better known as Jho Low), and SRC director Datuk Suboh Md Yassin.

SRC was a subsidiary of 1MDB until it was placed directly under the Finance Ministry in 2012.


