Tun Dr Mahathir admits has no proof to support allegations — 1MDB


Malay Mail Online

1MDB refers to the latest blog post by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed. The retired and former politician has continued to repeat old, unproven and unsubstantiated allegations based on, what he himself admits, are ‘assumptions’, instead of evidence.

This is despite detailed and factual clarifications being issued by 1MDB, and the fact that Tun Mahathir has repeatedly been proven wrong in his claim that “RM42 billion hilang” (RM42 billion missing) from 1MDB.

Unlike Tun Mahathir, who relies on assumptions, 1MDB prefers to deal in facts. It is a fact that 1MDB accounts are audited by reputable, international firms.

It is a fact that anyone can easily verify 1MDB facts and figures by reviewing the publicly available, audited accounts.

It is a well-known fact that the Auditor-General has been tasked by the Cabinet on 4 March 2015 to review the past accounts of 1MDB.

An interim report was presented to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on 9 July 2015, and a final report will be presented to the PAC — which comprises both Government and Opposition MPs — on 17 December 2015.

1MDB is and continues to be the most investigated company in the history of Malaysia. We have cooperated fully with the lawful authorities, which include the MACC, PDRM, BNM, the National Audit Department and the PAC.

Documentary proof and evidence has been submitted to these lawful authorities. Each of these lawful authorities has independently conducted investigations and publicly issued statements relating to 1MDB.

If Tun Mahathir is interested in the truth, he would allow these agencies to complete their investigations and await their findings.

However, rather than do this, Tun Mahathir continues to freely make unproven allegations without any investigation, without any reference to facts, and without any regard to the rule of law and due process.

Through his statements, Tun Mahathir clearly shows his contempt and disdain of the various agencies that are investigating 1MDB. After 22 years in power, in his mind, only Tun Mahathir can be right.

This is despite him being proven wrong on “RM42 billion hilang” allegation and meekly confessing to not having evidence, when asked whether he would lodge a police report against 1MDB.


