PAP Malaysia aims to contest all seats in next GE

PAP Malaysia

(The Rakyat Post) – Parti Alternatif Malaysia (PAP Malaysia) president and former DAP vice-chairman Zulkifli Mohd Noor says the party will contest all Parliamentary seats in the next General Elections.

He said this was not impossible with support from the rakyat as PAP had promised to make the rakyat the boss.

“We are on our own, the people will be our allies, the rakyat are boss, rakyat are ‘tuhan’ (God).

“For 13 months and 15 days, I had scouted the country for people to join the party and stand for elections, and we are here to offer a platform for young people aged between 18 and 35.

“We want to capture Putrajaya, we will contest all 222 MP seats and more than 500 state seats, we are not a third force, we will be the main force,” he said in a press conference after the PAP’s official launching today.

He noted that PAP’s candidate offerings will be like ‘‘rojak’’ with a healthy mix of young and senior working professionals.

“We are offering rojak for you all, you might not like the name but you would like the rojak,” he said.

He reiterated that PAP would not form a coalition with Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan, but would not be against them either.

Zulkifli added that his party was ready to work with either side if they were elected in with minority seats.

“We are on our own, the people will be our allies.

“We have no issue against Barisan or Pakatan, but we will speak out against both sides when they do something wrong,” he added.

At the same time, he also took a swipe at his former party, describing the Chinese in DAP as the worse Malaysians.

“DAP have been poisoning the Chinese in Malaysia to hate the country and the constitution, and to criticise whatever good the government is trying to do.

“We will carry the Bumiputera agenda and we will get the support from the Chinese,” he said.

