Weaknesses of Kelantan government will be presented if needed, says Husam

husam musa

(The Rakyat Post) – Former Pas vice-president Datuk Husam Musa said he would show all the evidence of the weaknesses of the Kelantan state government to the Pas central leadership if needed.

He thanked the Pas central leadership for listening to what he had to say.

“If I did not write about the turmoils that took place, they would not know about it and would not have called me to give an explanation.

“I did not give the evidence because it is state property but I merely give an indication of what is happening.

“And yet if need be, I will produce the evidence,” he said.

In a similar development, Husam said he is satisfied after being given the opportunity to explain to the party’s central committee on Nov 30 over allegations he had previously made including weaknesses in the administration of Kelantan.

Husam, who is also Salor assemblyman, said he at least had the opportunity to tell what had happened, including in Kelantan that might not be known to the Pas central leadership.

Husam had given a timeline for them to investigate the allegations made previously.

“I expect this to take about a month before a decision is made. I am giving them the opportunity (to do something),” he said.

He was speaking after the launch of a book titled Peringatan Orang Terpedaya at Dewan Perkumpulan Perempuan Kelantan (PPK), here last night.

Previously, Pas secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan, said there will be no more public statements in connection to Pas’ internal issues and problems in the governance by the Kelantan state government from Husam after giving an explanation on Monday.

He said the matter was agreed with Husam with an assurance that the complaints will be investigated and resolved immediately.

Elaborating further, Husam said he had promised not to touch on issues that have been given an explanation, but he will continue to answer on other issues if he is involved in it.

