MAICCI: Dr M contradicting himself, wants to rule again


(The Star) – The Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry has blasted Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s “no political party should rule forever” statement.

In a statement, MAICCI secretary-general Datuk Dr A.T. Kumararajah claimed that the former premier’s proposed Council of Elders to advise a Prime Minister was to “camouflage” his intent to rule again by proxy.

MAICCI, he said, was throwing its support behind Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, whose premiership had benefitted the Indian and entrepreneurial community.

“He (Dr Mahathir) seems to be applying different measures and yardsticks to the current leadership while conveniently forgetting that those measures (when applied to him), he would fall far short of making the cut.

“After all, he ruled for a ‘mere’ 22 years.

“In not hiding his discriminative stance against the current government and weighing his support to the Opposition parties, he is indeed calling for the Barisan Nasional government rule to end.

“If not earlier, at least in the next general election.

“While he says this, it is him who is trying to rule beyond his 22 years in power,” said Kumararajah.

During a speech on Nov 27, Dr Mahathir had said that no political party should be in power forever and that a strong Opposition was needed for check and balance.

He had also earlier mooted the Council of Elders idea.

The stability offered by Najib, said Kumararajah, was the way to go, saying that the Prime Minister had placed structural changes that would yield “evolutionary milestones” if political continuity was kept.

“Any government – elected through a fair and democratic process – should continue to rule our nation. After all, the true rulers are the people who vote the government in.

“The only ones who should rule forever is the ‘rakyat’.”

