The plight of acid attack victims Nur Farziana and Nurul Umira

Nur Farziana-Nurul Umira

Down but not out: Nur Farziana and Nurul Umira (right) at their press conference at the MCA Public Services and Complaints Department, Wisma MCA.

(The Star) – Acid attack victim Nurul Umira Azali is soldiering on after an operation where skin was taken from her thighs to help cover scars on her left hand.

While the pain after the Thursday operation was excruciating, she said she would rather cope with the discomfort than use morphine.

“I hate taking morphine, it makes me feel so weak and drowsy. I would be just sleeping the entire day, I don’t like that feeling,” said Nurul Umira when contacted.

The skin graft surgery was to help cover the scars on her left hand.

Nurul Umira has been unable to stretch her left arm after she and her good friend Nur Farziana Hussein Hasnor Harry, both 22, had acid splashed on them by an unknown attacker on Aug 24.

Next week, she will undergo laser treatment for the scars on her neck at Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

She is unable to stretch her neck due to the scars from the attack and will be hospitalised for at least a month.

Nurul Umira, whose dream was to be a model said it took her three days to gather the strength and courage to look at herself in the mirror after the attack.

“I told the nurses then not to bring any mirror but the nurses were very encouraging.

“They told me I cannot hide forever, I need to face reality. That’s how I slowly gathered my confidence,” said Nurul Umira.

Her friend Nur Farziana suffered serious injury to her face, head, eyes and hand leaving her unable to shut her eyelids completely despite undergoing an operation.

The two women are soldiering on but need financial assistance as both have been unable to work since the attack.

MCA Public Service and Complaints Department chief Datuk Seri Michael Chong said his department would assist the two friends by giving RM2,000.

Chong said members of the public who would like to help could make out a cheque to the department with the names of the two women at the back and send it to his office at Public Services And Complaints Department, 7th Floor, Wisma MCA, 163, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.

