Is the NSC Bill a cause for concern?

Ambiga Sreenevasan

Rasyhid Hamzan

The National Security Council (NSC) Bill 2015 has drawn a lot of concern from people. Social activist and president of the National Human Rights Society Malaysia (Hakam) s has urged members of parliament to reject the bill. She alleged that the bill would give autonomic powers to the prime minister and will change Malaysia forever. The NSC is alleged to give authorities the power to declare anything as being harmful, and the prerogative to declare any area as a security area.

We will only know whether the bill is good or bad when it is utilised and implemented. Ambiga and her Opposition allies have made it a habit to create a perception of fear about everything in the country. It amazes me how Ambiga preached silence to NurulIzzah Anwar alliancing with Princess Jacel Kiram. Perhaps she is afraid that her friends will no longer have the liberty to openly associate with terrorists that endanger the country. Ambiga is opposing a bill that can be used as an anti-terrorism measure, but she did not condemn people associating with terrorist. Looks like blood of police officers that died thanks to the Sulu invasion of Sabah is not a problem for Malaysia’s human rights group. I wonder if Ambiga is going to give her human rights speech protecting terrorist in the near future.

Remember how Ambiga and company planted fear in the people that the government will declare an emergency in the wake of the most recent Bersih rally? Remember how she alleged the authorities would be brutal against the protestors? Remember how Maria Chin Abdullah played the role of the king and sang the national anthem at midnight on Merdeka Day but never urged people to show respect and attend the official national day parade? Remember how Pakatan claimed widespread blackout supposedly occurred during the last general election and even spearheaded a rally for it? Eventually, their people themselves admitted that the blackout accusation never really happened and was overplayed.

Remember how PKR make baseless accusations against BN leaders and apologise later for falsely saying things when dragged to court? Remember how they sign online petitions to the White House against the government, and they demanded to meet President Barrack Obama? After meeting him, they called him and his government a hypocrite. By the way, it is the same hypocritical U.S government that presented Ambiga the Award for International Woman of Courage.

Remember the Kajang Move and how Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail sternly denied eyeing for the MB’s post, but then she strongly lobbied for the position? Remember how the Opposition firmly condemned and ridiculed Mahathir during his tenure but intend to form a pack with him today? Remember how they accuse the government of oppressing people but become mute when Lim Guan Eng suppresses people? Remember how they scream bias to reports by mainstream media but turn their head away when Pro-Opposition media does the same? Remember how big an issue it was when a protest occurred against a church, but no words was uttered when the Pakatan-led Selangor government destroyed Hindu temples?

Only time will tell if the NSC is as cruel as Ambiga claims it is. Instead of commenting on something that she has no control on, Ambiga should instead just focus on things she has control of, such as gaining credibility for herself. Maybe she should sit Tian Chua down and explain to him the meaning of a terrorist because Chua is definitely living in denial.

