So the RM2.6 billion WAS a donation from the Middle East after all


The opposition Pakatan Harapan is singing the MACC’s praises. The opposition leaders paid a visit to the MACC office to shake hands and take photographs with the officers. The opposition says that the MACC is doing a great job. So is the opposition now going to say that the MACC is lying, or that it has been bought, or that they are morons, as Syed Akbar is fond of saying?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(NST) — The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) today confirmed that it has sent a team to the Middle East to meet the donor of the RM2.6 billion political fund. MACC investigations division director Datuk Azam Baki said the meeting with the donor was held recently. However, Azam could not disclose any details, including the identity of the donor, as investigations were ongoing.

“Investigations into the case are still ongoing. Once we have completed our investigation, we will hand over the findings to the Deputy Public Prosecutor, who will decide on the next course of action. I would like to explain that MACC will update the public on the case from time to time as promised. However, we cannot simply disclose results of the investigation,” he said.

Azam said he would also investigate the leakage of information social media regarding his officers going to the Middle East.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had in the Dewan Rakyat on December 3rd that MACC has identified the donor of the RM2.6 billion political fund and that Bank Negara Malaysia has been informed of the account. He said MACC had also confirmed that the money was not from 1Malaysia Development Bhd.

It was reported on Sunday that MACC has recorded a statement from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak over issues concerning SRC International and the RM2.6 billion political donation.

So there you have it. MACC has confirmed what many of us knew all along — that the RM2.6 billion was a donation from the Middle East and was not stolen from 1MDB as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad alleges.

Dr Mahathir said he does not believe that the money was a donation from the Middle East because, according to Dr Mahathir, the Arabs are not that generous. Actually, the Saudis alone have donated US150 billion over the last 30 years for political purposes and to support various causes.

And this is only the Saudis and does not include Libya during Muammar Gaddafi’s time — that also donated a lot of money, even to Malaysian political parties — or the  other countries such as the Emirates. In fact, the OIC countries also donated a substantial amount to set up the International Islamic University (UIA) in Gombak.

So for them to donate RM2.6 billion to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s political fund is really not that much of a big deal. However, the anti-Najib forces are trying to make it look like it is a big deal and have insinuated that the money was stolen from 1MDB.

Syed Akbar Ali a.k.a. OutSyed the Box lamented that the 1MDB and RM2.6 billion issues are not going to be discussed during the Umno annual general assembly, which starts tomorrow.  He and many others feel it is a matter that the assembly should discuss.

What do they want the assembly to discuss? Do they want to discuss the fact that it was known as early as the beginning of this year that the money was not stolen from 1MDB but was, in fact, a donation from the Middle East?

Do they want to discuss that before Zahid Hamidi was appointed Deputy Prime Minister he had already seen the evidence when he met the Middle Eastern donor who confirmed that he was the donor of that RM2.6 billion?

Do they want to discuss that Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yassin and Shafie Apdal knew that the money was a donation and was not stolen but they pretended they were not aware of this and continued to raise the matter and suggested that the money was stolen and was not a donation?

Maybe Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin and Shafie would like Najib to pay for their trip to the Middle East so that they, too, can meet the donor and see the evidence related to this donation and get straight from the horse’s mouth that he was the donor of that RM2.6 billion.

They want Najib to go to Parliament to talk about the RM2.6 billion. They want Najib to raise this matter in the Umno general assembly and talk about the RM2.6 billion. If Najib did all this would they believe him?

Najib has spoken about 1MDB and so many other matters but they still do not believe him. They say he is lying. So why would they believe anything Najib says regarding the RM2.6 billion? They will still insist he is lying.

They insist they want the matter investigated. So MACC investigated the matter as they wanted. And MACC’s investigation shows that the RM2.6 billion was not stolen from 1MDB and was, in fact, a donation from the Middle East. So this is not Najib talking. This is the MACC talking.

The opposition Pakatan Harapan is singing the MACC’s praises. The opposition leaders paid a visit to the MACC office to shake hands and take photographs with the officers. The opposition says that the MACC is doing a great job. So is the opposition now going to say that the MACC is lying, or that it has been bought, or that they are morons, as Syed Akbar is fond of saying?

Bila diam marah. Bila jawab kata bohong. Apa lagi mahu? Mahu free trip ke Arab Saudi ke?
