Facebook video hits out at Dr Mahathir’s own political funding for Umno


(The Malaysian Insider) – Days before this year’s Umno general assembly, a video has surfaced on social media comparing political fund raising by current and former leaders, while accusing Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad of using state funds to enrich cronies in order to raise funds for the party.

The six-minute video on Facebook also accuses jailed opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of relying on US donations, while claiming that Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak received funds from wealthy Arab donors and not from public funds.

The video of animated infographics, which has gained more than 345,000 views since it was uploaded last Saturday, alleges that Dr Mahathir received political funding through crony companies, which were “not 100% clean”.

Dr Mahathir has become a vehement critic of Najib’s RM2.6 billion donation from a “private source”, said to be a Middle Eastern benefactor, as well as over his brainchild 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

The video, however, says that the political donation and 1MDB are two separate issues.

The video alleges that Dr Mahathir wishes to continue ruling the country through a “council of elders”, saying this bears more resemblance to a dictatorship rather than Najib’s current leadership.

Dr Mahathir has confirmed to the press his suggestion for a council of elders to guide the prime minister in leading the government.

The clip also hits out at the political funding received by opposition parties under Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, and says fundraising dinners are merely a front to cover up the open secret that the funding is backed by rich local tycoons and powers in the United States.


