Muhyiddin and Mahathir trying to do an Arab Spring in Kuala Lumpur


The call by the Deputy President of UMNO and former Deputy Prime Minister, YBhg Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin asking a democratically elected prime minister to go on leave is farcical in the least.

This echoed by Tun Mahathir in asking Najib to resign because that is what people want because he feels that the feedback in Najib’s twitter and Facebook account is even more fantasising.

I ask Tun Mahathir to read what people are saying about him in twitter and Facebook, there are far worse comments made about his 22 years rule over our nation. He also should be reminded on how much monetary lost he brought to then the government – with his billion of ringgit in bailouts and rent-seeking business model – that has not only failed the nation but also his own Malay community which he now seems to champion for. Not to forget the beneficiaries of his abuse of power were his own kin’s and friends and not the Rakyat!

Yes we respect social media opinions and those who make them, but we will have to pepper it with what’s reality. These virtual opinions must be blended by the actual opinions and reflect the reality in those issues. Tun Mahathir has a lot of learning to do on how social media platforms work and what those opinions shape.

As for the Deputy President who has been consistently inconsistent in his approach towards his role – I ask him to look at what he has done in his tenure. How much has he contributed towards nation building efforts? What has he done for the nation that we can be proud?

However – we can indeed remember for his infamous remark of “Malay first– Malaysian Second” comment which reeks of racial and communal ideologies. He was the one who used the State Acquisition Act to acquire land from the people and later privatise those lands to companies individuals associated with him. One example is the land acquired from Stamford Holdings. This was blatant abuse of power but I guess he has forgotten on some of his famous deeds.

I am compelled to warn these leaders – Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Tun Mahathir, stop trying to bring down a leader using tactics that destabilises the nation. If you have grievances and differing opinions, there are channels to air them and the ultimate test will be at the ballot box.

As statesman they should ‘agree to disagree’ with the leadership of the country and not blemish a democratically elected Prime Minister to advance their myopic vision and agenda that’s very personal and vindictive.

Stop destabilising our country for your own interest!!

Salam  1 Malaysia!


