Najib says Dr M hypocritical, hurtful in his attacks


(Malay Mail Online) – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s attacks against the government contradicts his own call for the public to support the country’s administration during his own rule, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Speaking during an interview with several media outlets last night, Najib pointed out that Dr Mahathir had said that it was important to appreciate support when in power and to extend the same support to the government once out of office.

“That’s what he always said… but I see Tun, in many matters, does not practise what he preached when he was in government,” Najib was quoted as saying by national news agency Bernama.

He also admitted to being hurt by Dr Mahathir’s attacks and demands, saying he would normally be able to accept advice or even admonishment.

“But he has issued statements that are just too personal,” the Umno president added.

Dr Mahathir’s choice of blogging as his main platform to attack the government was also regrettable, Najib said, as this required Putrajaya and Umno to continually fend off allegations that may stem from the former prime minister’s writing.

Najib also rejected Dr Mahathir’s proposal for a Council of Elders to oversee the prime minister, saying this would put the suggested panel above the federal Cabinet and Umno Supreme Council in terms of authority.

He said, however, that he was not disrespecting Dr Mahathir, but was of the belief that the prime minister must be answerable to the people, while the Umno president was obligated to listen to his party.

Dr Mahathir has campaigned since last year for Najib’s resignation as prime minister, using the controversy over 1Malaysia Development Bhd as the main platform for his demand.

