Khairy: Umno must settle 1MDB, RM2.6b issues to cure ‘trust deficit’


(Malay Mail Online) – Issues surrounding 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and the RM2.6 billion deposited in Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s accounts must be resolved to restore Malaysians’ faith in Umno, Khairy Jamaluddin said today.

The Umno Youth chief acknowledged Umno president and Prime Minister Najib’s “on-going efforts” to address these issues, but stressed that a clear resolution must be found soon.

“At the same time, issues faced by the party that have caused a trust deficit among the people must be resolved at all costs.

“The president of the party himself is very aware about how issues such as 1MDB and political donations have marred the image of our leadership, whether at home or abroad,” Khairy said in his policy speech at the opening of the Umno Youth wing’s assembly this morning.

Khairy explained that 1MDB’s debts are in the process of being reduced while investigations on the political donation are also currently ongoing.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that is investigating the RM2.6 billion has met with both Najib and the as-yet-unnamed Middle Eastern donor.

“It is clear that positive developments have been made. However it is the hope of Umno Youth that these initiatives do not stagnate but continue until it reaches a clear resolution.

“The issue of 1MDB does not only need the reduction of its debts, but it is just as important to convince the people that no misappropriation of funds have occurred. The trust deficit among the citizens must be addressed,” the youth and sports minister added.

He also said differences within Umno’s top leadership has caused some restlessness within the party’s ranks, stressing that must also be addressed to avoid it from becoming a full-blown crisis.

Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and vice president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal are both at odds with the rest of the senior leadership over both issues, with the former possibly facing sanctions over a recent speech critical of Najib.

“It is necessary for us to be concerned if this restlessness starts to bring a larger resentment, that what started as small embers could in turn fuel a large fire that could burn a whole house down, and in the end the winners turn to charcoal ― and the losers turn to ash.

“This scenario must be avoided at all costs,” the Rembau MP said.
