Muhyiddin is not Anwar Ibrahim


(Malaysian Digest) – There will not be a repeat of the 1998 Reformasi movement following Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s move to oppose UMNO President Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Utusan Malaysia’s assistant chief editor Datuk Zaini Hassan said that Muhyiddin’s action to publicly air his dissatisfaction with the current leadership will not have the same impact on UMNO unlike the removal of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from the cabinet and his subsequent arrest.

“Many have said that Muhyiddin is not on par with Anwar Ibrahim to incite the people to rise up against the ruling government. These two individuals are poles apart in their political weight and public influence,” he said, Utusan Malaysia reports.

Clearly Muhyiddin was looking for trouble by holding the public forum at the Sultan Sulaiman Club last Monday night, which could prove to be his downfall.

“Many said that Muhyiddin made the wrong move by organising the media event. He should not have revealed his cards and expose himself to the mercy of his opponents,” Zaini said.

However, he also added that UMNO should not take the matter lightly and should deal with the issues that were raised by the Deputy President.

“In politics, whoever makes the first move will win. The party must get a grip on the crisis to prevent it spiraling out of control. The ‘black art of war’ dictates that two opposing generals or leaders will duel to the death.

“It will result in one or both being killed. The enemy will take the opportunity to exploit the situation to achieve their goals,” he said.

